Orphan Support
Senior Citizens Care
General Support
  1. Mentorship and Tutoring:
    • Providing educational support and guidance to orphaned children.
  2. Event Coordination:
    • Organizing and coordinating events to create joyful experiences for orphans.
  3. Health Advocacy:
    • Facilitating health and wellness programs for the well-being of orphaned children.
  4. Creative Arts Instruction:
    • Conducting art and creative workshops to nurture the talents of orphans.


  1. Companionship Coordination:
    • Spending quality time with senior citizens, providing companionship and support.
  2. Health and Fitness Coaching:
    • Conducting fitness sessions and promoting health awareness among senior citizens.
  3. Technology Mentorship:
    • Assisting senior citizens in adapting to and utilizing technology for communication and entertainment.
  4. Event Planning:
    • Organizing social events and activities to keep senior citizens engaged and connected.


  1. Administrative Assistance:
    • Assisting with administrative tasks to ensure the smooth operation of the foundation.
  2. Fundraising Coordination:
    • Planning and executing fundraising initiatives to support the foundation’s programs.


Donations | Volunteer | Doctos

Donations Using for 

  1. “Nourishing Lives: Providing Nutritious Meals Through Your Support”
  2. “Empowering Futures: Scholarships for Quality Education”
  3. “Dressed for Success: Clothing Support for Well-being”
  4. “Safe Havens: Shelter Assistance for Security and Comfort”
  5. “Unlocking Potential: Investing in Quality Education”
  6. “Hygiene Matters: Access to Essentials for Well-being”
  7. “Caring for Health: Essential Healthcare Services Supported by You”
  8. “Community Bonds: Building Connections Through Your Contributions”
  9. Educational scholarships for Childrens
    Age  of 1 to 18 years
  10. Adopting Orphan Childrens
  11. Utilizing Donations for Equiments

Specialized Services:

  1. Medical Professionals:
    • Offering medical expertise and services for health camps and clinics.
  2. Educational Consulting:
    • Advising on educational programs and scholarships for orphans.